Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Butterfly Pumpkins

Happy Halloween! I know I'm a day early but I wanted to share these Butterfly Pumpkins from our friends at Birds and Blooms magazine with you - just in case you haven't carved your pumpkin yet!

Photo by Birds & Blooms magazine

You can read more about these beautiful pumpkins here. Have fun!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Giant Swallowtail

The variety of butterflies that I've been able to attract to the garden at our "new" house verses our "old" house still surprises me. I recently found a Giant Swallowtail for the first time flying about my Meyer Lemon tree and sipping from the Lantana.

To my delight, she laid some eggs!

The Giant Swallowtail is commonly found all over Florida. Well, Florida IS known for its citrus and this is the Giant Swallowtail's host plant. You may have heard of the "orangedog?" This is the common name for its caterpillar which is sometimes considered a pest to citrus growers. Large citrus trees can tolerate loosing some leaves to orangedogs but young, smaller ones might have a difficult time.  It is a large yellow and black butterfly averaging 5 1/2 inches wide. Note it's yellow body in my photo above.  

In case your wondering, her caterpillars did not do much damage to my lemon tree at all - there were definitely enough leaves to share!

McAuslane, H.J. (2011).  Giant Swallowtail, Orangedog, Papilio cresphontes Cramer (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Papilionidae)Retrieved from http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/in134 .

Friday, October 12, 2012

Places: Pollinator Garden, San Diego Zoo

We recently travelled to San Diego for a family wedding. What a beautiful city! I loved seeing the Pacific Ocean, roses in bloom, succulents in lovely containers, and fuchsia bougainvillea.  Yes, the weather is perfect there!

We made our way to the San Diego Zoo and it was amazing!

I was delighted to find this garden there...

Bees, Butterflies, & Hummingbirds (Three of my favorite things)

There were brightly colored nectar plants like butterfly bush, pentas, zinnias, lantana, and coneflowers.

And lots of milkweed growing in the greenhouse and in front of it.

Wow, I would love a greenhouse full of milkweed!

The garden has plenty of winged visitors like this monarch.

For more information about the San Diego Zoo, click here! Happy gardening!

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