Saturday, June 30, 2012

Snapshot! Passionflower

I couldn't resist sharing this photo with you - this passionflower vine's colors and scent are amazing! Have a great weekend!

Passiflora incense

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Lots and Lots of Rain

We have had lots and lots of rain recently due to Tropical Storm Debby. I found this Monarch trying to dry its wings in my butterfly container on my patio yesterday. He was still there this morning. Now that the weather has finally started to clear, he has flown away.

Some of you might be interested to see how this butterfly container has evolved since this post. I fertilized it about six weeks ago and the pentas and butterfly weed are quite vibrant now.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Our State Butterfly

I've noticed a larger variety of butterflies flying around the garden at our "new" house compared to our "old" house. I find that a little odd since we moved into a more urban area but it's definitely a good thing for a gardener like me. Remember the passionflower vine I wrote about in this post? I finally attracted Zebra Longwing butterflies to my garden with it and found this little guy...

This is the first Zebra Longwing caterpillar I have ever found in my garden! Now this is an important caterpillar for Floridians - it will become our state butterfly.  

Photo by jjjj56cp via Flickr

The Zebra Longwing is found all over Florida and the Southern United States, Mexico, Central America and into South America. It is a medium sized butterfly with yellow and black stripes. Under its wings, there are usually red spots close to its body. It will lay tiny yellow eggs on the passionvine's tendrils or leaves. These will hatch into white caterpillars with black spikes (Daniels). I always find it so interesting how the caterpillar can look so different from the adult butterfly.

I hope you find some Zebra Longwings in your garden this summer!

Daniels, J. (2009).  Zebra Longwing, Heliconius charitonia. Retrieved from

Thursday, June 14, 2012


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